The so-called best friend of man can be quite annoying. Even if, of course, we love him unconditionally. When he is sick, we die a thousand deaths, if he wags his tail with joy, then our hearts go out. Above all, a dog means responsibility. So if you want to buy a four-legged friend, you should think carefully beforehand.
Almost everyone melts away when they hold a puppy in their arms. The big eyes, the soft fur, the thick paws. Sweet! But as much as dogs are close to our hearts, they sometimes disturb us. For they, like all living beings, have needs and cannot be cornered according to the state of mind. So if you think about living with a dog, you should know exactly what he is going to do.
End Of Spontaneity
Quick time, because you are after, drive away or stay with your girlfriend? Forget it! The dog can’t even easily spend two days alone in the house. He also doesn’t go to a corresponding toilet like cats. You always have to have someone to feed him and go with him regularly.
Holiday By Dog Type
If you fly Christmas to the tropics, then for this time the dog must go to the animal boarding house or to friends. In any case, you have to organize it. If you take the dog on holiday, then it shouldn’t be a city trip with many visits, because you can’t leave your dog in the car, especially in the heat.
A minimum of two hours is required by a dog – and every day. You have to walk the dog, he needs attention and affection, he has to be cared for. He wants to play, he wants to rage, because you are his pack.
No More Clean Apartment
There are a number of dog breeds that hardly lose hair (poodle, Portuguese water dogs, terriers etc.), but your dog will always make dirt. He doesn’t strip his paws on his doorstep. Sand, earth, ticks and other vermin get through it into your four walls. Every now and then a stinking dog signals that it has rolled into things whose remains you definitely don’t want to find on your furniture.
Moist Dogs Muffle
People with sensitive noses need to know that a wet dog can stink. It depends a bit on whether only rain has soaked the fur or whether the Wauzi has made a few laps in the bog pond.
Unconditional Love
Dogs don’t just love everyone who feeds them. They also love everyone who belongs to their pack. They make no difference whether this pack member has two or four legs, rich or poor, young or old, sick or healthy.
Hairy Soul Comforter
Of course, the four-legged friends cannot understand us. But they watch us closely and can guess what is coming in gestures, tone and actions. You can accurately capture people’s moods.
Petting Makes You Happy
Cuddling with a dog lowers blood pressure and heart rate. The stress level goes down.
Networker On Four Paws
If you walk with your dog every day, you will quickly get to know other dog owners. And even at first it was just a look in solidarity, because the weather is so bad, or the question of the age of the other dog.
More Exercise Thanks To Dog
Walking twice a day, it add up quite nicely. Ten hours of additional exercise a week come together. Over-motivated four-legged friends also help to overcome the inner pig dog and still go for a round of jogging.
No More Alone In The Apartment
No more oppressive emptiness when you come home. There is always someone waiting to be happy that you exist. Your dog doesn’t mind when you’re squatting in sloppy pants in front of the TV. He just finds it wonderful when you’re just there.