eBooks and E-readers: Electronicbookreadingdevice.com/nook-vs-kindle/ – eBooks For Pet Owners

In our ever-changing world, numerous aspects of people’s life have changed and improved. Because of these, people continuously search for alternatives for almost everything that are more convenient, easy-to-use as well as enjoyable. This includes reading. Today, eBooks and e-readers are prevalent and increasingly more people are recognizing the benefits they gain from them.

What are eBooks and E-readers? – electronicbookreadingdevice.com/nook-vs-kindle/

Essentially, eBooks are digital versions of printed books and other printed publications such as magazines, periodicals, newspapers, and comics. eBooks come in various titles and purpose, which can be bought or accessed for free, downloaded, stored and read on an electronic device with screen, like a PC, tablet, smartphone or a standalone eBook reading device known as e-readers.

For most eBook readers, a dedicated eBook reader is preferred over other eBook-supported devices. There are several brands and models of e-readers on the market today, and among the top selling includes the Kindle and Nook

Kindle is a series of eBook readers designed, marketed and owned by Amazon. It was introduced with one genuine goal, to bring books to people. As it wasn’t designed and released to measure up and vie with tablets, this has allowed Amazon to constantly better and advance its Kindle series up to this present time. Because of this, Amazon Kindle remains to be one the favorites if eBook readers.

On the other hand, the Nook is the e-reader version of Barnes & Noble, and used to read Nook eBooks. The e-reader is based on the platform of android and has a variety of options, like the Kindle, which could match the budget of almost anyone. One feature of the Nook that many users enjoy is being able to read for free the full contents of any eBook for an hour a day while in their stores.

Regardless of which e-reader brand you choose, they all have one thing in common, that is to be able to read e-books more conveniently and comfortably as eBooks are definitely here to stay. But to learn more about e-readers and find the best one that would suit your eBook reading needs and budget, check out https://electronicbookreadingdevice.com/nook-vs-kindle/.

Learn More About Your Pets: eBooks to Check Out

For the past several years, e-books have come to be one of the pillars of the publishing industry. The introduction of eBooks didn’t cause the demise of printed books since they are still produced and loved by many. And while many opt purchase and read eBooks, printed books still rule the market with over $5 billion in sales (hardcover and softcover) in 2019.

When it comes to eBooks, there are tons of titles to browse from and purchase. From fiction to non-fiction texts, novels to short stories, academic books to learning guides. Surely, there will definitely be something you will enjoy reading as well as find helpful.

For pet owners, there are numerous eBooks that you can purchase to learn more about the nature of your pets as well as how to be a good pet owner. Here are a few of the best sellers that you might want to check out:

  • How to Argue with a Cat (A Human’s Guide to the Art of Persuasion) by Jay Heinrichs, Natalie Palmer-Sutton – Harmony/Rodale (2018)
  • Inside of a Dog (What Dogs See, Smell, and Know) by Alexandra Horowitz – Scribner (2009)
  • Total Cat Mojo (The Ultimate Guide to Life with Your Cat) by Jackson Galaxy – Penguin Publishing Group (2017)
  • The Genius of Dogs (How Dogs Are Smarter Than You Think) by Brian Hare, Vanessa Woods – Penguin Publishing Group (2013)
  • The Other End of the Leash (Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs) by Patricia McConnell – Random House Publishing Group (2009)
  • Animals Make Us Human (Creating the Best Life for Animals) by Temple Grandin, Catherine Johnson – HMH Books (2010)
  • Behavior adjustment training 2.0 (New practical techniques for fear, frustration, and aggression) by Grisha Stewart – Dogwise Publishing (2016)
  • Feline Philosophy (Cats and the Meaning of Life) by John Gray – Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2020)
  • Clever Dog: Understand What Your Dog is Telling You by Sarah Whitehead – HarperCollins Publishers (2012)
  • The Barf Diet (Raw Feeding for Dogs and Cats Using Evolutionary Principles) by Ian Billinghurst – Dogwise Publishing (2016)
  • The Happy Puppy Handbook (Your Definitive Guide to Puppy Care and Early Training) by Pippa Mattinson – Ebury Publishing (2014)
  • Animals in Spirit (Our faithful companions’ transition to the afterlife) by Penelope Smith – Atria Books/Beyond Words (2008)
