Dog transport systems in comparison


Dogs that are not transported properly in the car represent a significant risk of injury for two and four-legged friends. The ADAC shows how dog boxes and other animal security systems can be used correctly.

– This is how safety systems react to evasive and braking maneuvers
– Good protection for dogs in the car does not have to be expensive
– A patient acclimatization is important for the four-legged friend

Everyday life shows again and again: Only a few dog owners think about the security of their animals. According to a representative survey, more than one in three car owners like the certified pre-owned cars Scottsdale regularly has dogs on board, but almost one in five does not adequately secure their four-legged passengers.


The dog shouldn`t ride like this

In the event of an accident, a shocked and injured animal can also pose a serious threat to first responders and rescue workers if it can move freely inside the vehicle.

Where a four-legged friend should never sit: on the passenger seat. There is a good selection of systems for transport on the rear seat bench, in the footwell of the vehicle rear, or in the trunk:


Dog transport systems for the back seat and footwell

Plastic dog transport boxes offer a relatively high level of security at a reasonable price. They are ideally stowed in the trunk or in the footwell. In the trunk, additional securing with belts is urgently needed, as otherwise it would be thrown around violently even during an evasive maneuver. In the event of a crash, however, the plastic boxes are inferior to the metal variants.


Dividers and lattice boxes for the trunk

Partition grilles, which protect the vehicle occupants from animals or luggage flying forward, should only be used as additional security. In terms of animal welfare, the dog in the trunk must also be secured with a box or a belt system.

The disadvantage of the partition grilles: they do not fit in every vehicle. Secure anchoring of the grille in the vehicle via the backrest lock, etc. is a prerequisite for good protection. The pulled grill can easily slip in an accident.

The Transport Lattice Box for the trunk is a practical solution. It is important that the size ratio of the box and the dog match. If it is too large, it can be thrown out of control, increasing the risk of injury to the animal. Therefore, it is advisable to buy one that is one size smaller. There should be space to lie down, but no space to walk back and forth.


Dog owners: Patience when getting used to the car

There are no statutory test rules regarding animal safety systems. However, it makes sense to pay attention to the crash test or DIN test (DIN754102) when choosing a product. When it comes to choosing a system, you have a wide range of choices. Before you buy, you need to think carefully about which product suits your personal needs and your dog.

As with the patient’s familiarity, it is recommended to fit on or with the animal before purchase. Ideally, a closed box of the appropriate size will be used. Dog owners should never forget that even having fun with their pets or a short drive for a walk poses a risk if the four-legged friend is not properly protected.
