Keeping your Dogs Happy & Entertained

Every dog ​​needs both physical and mental stress. If we talk about physical activity, then a dog, regardless of its size, needs at least 2 hours of walking a day. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about the Yorkshire Terrier or the Irish Wolfhound, the phlegmatic Chow Chow or the Choleric Terrier. If there is an opportunity to walk even more – wonderful!

During a walk, the dog gets tired physically, receives impressions that the brain then processes – so walking to some extent tires the brain too.

You will not be full with physical activity alone.

Let’s draw a parallel with people: if we run around playing football or go to the gym – it’s great, we have fun, we produce endorphins, we get tired, but this is not enough. If we go to the gym every day, most likely, we will still get bored, want to read a book, go to a museum or chat with interesting people, and at least play Sudoku. A dog, like a man, needs a mental load.

This does not mean that we can work out with the dog for 15 minutes, and then walk for only half an hour.

The dog still needs to run and carry out species-typical behavior: sniff, communicate with fellow tribesmen (unless, of course, your pet is trying to eat them). But if he tries to eat other dogs,  believe that it is more honest in relation to him to correct this behavior. Let not so that your dog plays with fellow tribesmen, but at least in order to minimize the constant stress in which both of you are while walking, looking for enemies.

Studies show that dogs with normal nervous systems can tolerate loneliness for up to 6 hours. Left without company for more than 6 hours, the dog begins to experience discomfort. By the way, in the Scandinavian countries there is a law: if your dog stays alone at home for more than 6 hours, you must hire a dog sitter, or a dog sitter.

ways to keep your dog entertained

With our workload, we can not always give the dog the opportunity to get a sufficient amount of experience, but there are ways available to everyone that you can easily and cheerfully take your dog at home.

Stunt training.

First, it’s fun and can be fun for both the owner and the dog. After all, when a dog collects pyramids or hugs a stuffed bunny, it’s cute. In addition, we can always boast of the dog’s skills in front of guests or, as a last resort, in our unstable economic situation, to show a show on the square and collect supplies for a rainy day.


when a dog is playing a guessing game. It’s fun and doesn’t require any proactive actions on the part of the owner.

Playing with your pets at home

All family members are vying with each other to take a walk with the dog, and at home there is no end to those who want to pet the dog or play with him? Yes, dogs are the main beneficiaries of these difficult times. We offer several options for spending time with your pet, since you still spend a lot of time at home.

When it comes to play and communication, dogs should definitely be grateful for self-isolation. Although pets living in families with children can argue with this thesis. One way or another, the dog spends more time with the owners and is worth having fun. How can you entertain your pet?

Which hand?

Ask your dog to guess which fist is holding his favorite treat. Obviously, it will not be difficult for the animal to guess this by the smell, but only for the first times. Then from both hands will smell the same food. If the dog guessed correctly, give him a treat and praise. Most importantly, do not overdo it with treats: treats are usually very high in calories.

Active games

If you are a caring “dog lover”, then in your arsenal you probably have items for retrieving and tug games. And if you need to work from home and need your dog to leave you alone for a bit, look for hybrid feeding toys. They can be filled with food, and you will not be able to pull it out and eat it right away. The dog will have fun by chasing a delicious ball around the apartment, and you can take part in a video conference.

And the same tug will help to warm up after work. Here are some tips for this game:

  • Train your dog to pick up and return the toy only on command;
  • any bite or injury automatically leads to the end of the game;
  • choose a sturdy and not too small toy so that both the owner and the dog can grab onto it;
  • sometimes let the dog take the toy away from you and win (then the “hostage” can be exchanged for a treat).

“Search!” and its varieties

Training your dog’s flair is never superfluous. Even in an apartment, you can come up with several options for “search” games. However, if you try to play them, for example, with a professionally trained retriever who regularly travels “in the field”, then the exercises below are likely to be too easy for such a pet. Fortunately, dogs are very polite animals and will never laugh at their owners.

So, in the absence of the dog, we hide something that arouses its interest. It can be a treat or a host. In the case of treats, start with strong-smelling treats. Before hiding, carry the treat around the apartment at a height of half a meter from the floor, without pinching it in your fist.

Tips On How To Get The Perfect Instagrammable Photos Of Your Pet

Dogs and Cats on Instagram

Dogs and cats are among the most popular photo motifs on platforms like Instagram. With the help of  ‘buy Instagram followers’, you can increase your followers and views at the same time. Everyone loves their pet and proudly presents it on the internet. But sometimes it’s hard to match the perfect moment or catch the pet in the right pose, not to mention pet selfies. With a few tips about Dos and Don’ts you should still manage nice shots of your four-legged friends.

Know Your Animal

Capturing your own pet with the camera is sometimes really not easy, because our four-legged friends have their own head. However, if you know your animal well, it should be easier for you to assess its habits and behavior. If you plan to make some nice shots with your four-legged friend, it’s good to know how he behaves. For example: Do you go with your dog a familiar route? Then you know how he behaves at which point of your walk, which spots claim his attention or in which puddles he likes to bathe. So hold your finger on the trigger.

Or do you know the morning route of your cat’s digestive walk? Then you can lie down and take beautiful photos along the way. In the familiar environment, your animals feel most comfortable and behave according to their character. And that’s what you can capture with your shots.


In the game, the wild side of your pets comes out best. Integrate toys into a photo shoot and take care of your pet to get as natural a shot as possible. To ensure that the photos are in focus afterwards, you should set your camera’s aperture automatic to S (“Shutter Priority”) or TV. So you reach a very short exposure time and the image of your dog looks sharp even in the run or game.

After The Food Comes The Nap

With most cats it often happens like this: they come in, want their treat, clean themselves and then make an extensive nap. Take advantage of this: After eating, when cats are content to bed on their usual sleeping place, you have the opportunity to photograph your velvet paws in peace. Take advantage of the opportunity for particularly detailed recordings.

Always At Eye Level

You take the most beautiful pictures of your pets when you go to them on the floor. The photos seem so dramatic, but still natural. You can also have yourself a tripod, so you can rest your elbows on the floor before you take the picture or put the camera on books, bags or something else that’s just on the way. To prevent a blurring, there is a very simple trick: Before you take the photo, take a deep breath and pause for a moment, then press the button and zig – photo in the box. For a cool effect due to a blurred background, set a low depth of field (aperture number: f/2.8–f/8). The shutter speed should be set relatively high, as the movements of the animals are fast and rather unpredictable. With a shutter speed of 1/400s, you usually lie right.


Healthy dog food: Brittle fur, frequent and foul-smelling bowel movements as well as lack of pleasure make dog owners pay attention. However, there is not always a disease behind it – sometimes it is simply because of the food. FOCUS Online explains what to look out for when eating healthy dog food.

In nature, the dog goes foraging and eats only what is good for him. His instinct tells him what food his body needs to stay healthy. If he is kept as a pet, the dog is dependent on you to give him healthy dog food.

However, in today’s jungle of dog food it is not so easy to see which dog food is really good. In addition to the possibility to bare your animal – that is, to feed it mainly with fresh meat – you can also find very good dry and wet food on the market. The only important thing is that you pay attention to the ingredients and the composition of the feed.


In order to know what the dog needs in terms of food, it is important to first look at its needs. Dogs are so-called carnivores. In other words, they are predators who eat not only the flesh from their prey, but also the contents of the stomach. In this way, they obtain plant components that are necessary for healthy digestion. Therefore, it is important that your dog gets food with which it is fed close to nature.

Even if the animals grow up as pets, this does not change the needs that the animal’s body has. Simply going to the supermarket and grabbing a food, often does not bring the desired successes.

Many types of dog food are too nutrient-poor and do not provide the dog with sufficient vitamins. The result is a dry and strawy coat, fatigue and a high susceptibility to diseases.


It doesn’t matter if you’re feeding dry food or wet food. Today there is quite good dry food, which contains all the important nutrients for your four-legged friend. However, it does not matter what was processed in the feed. A good dog food consists of the following ingredients:

  • Large proportion of meat that acts as a supplier of proteins
  • Cereals only in the form of rice, buckwheat, amaranth or millet
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Oils and fats, such as salmon oil or sunflower oil
  • A good ratio of calcium and phosphorus, at least 1.2:1

The composition of the dog food must be declared on the packaging. Keep in mind that the ingredients that are present in the largest amount come first. This means that in a feed with an optimal composition, meat comes first.


Meat is an important supplier of proteins and therefore vital for the dog. The dog itself usually does not need any grain. However, if it is present in the feed, then it should be clearly declared what kind of cereals it is. Soy is a very bad choice .B. as many dogs can be allergic to it. Better is rice or millet.

Fruits and vegetables provide the four-legged friend with important vitamins. In order for the fur to shine and the nutrients to be absorbed properly, the food also needs a proportion of oils. If these ingredients are declared on the feed, it is a high-quality feed.


Superfluous or even necessary? Dog clothing is often dismissed by dog owners as silliness or even animal cruelty. We explain when, however, it may be quite reasonable to have your dog wear special clothes and what criteria it must meet.

With the term “dog clothes” the image of a French bulldog with pink skirts comes up to many: putting his four-legged friend in supposedly cute costumes is more than just reprehensible – no question. Dogs should only wear clothes that actually benefit them – and not those that amuse or fashion lyrical purposes. In fact, there are several good reasons why you should put on a jacket for your four-legged friend in some situations. You can also shop at JUICE WRLD HOODIE and pick out a hoodie that suits you.

Which dog needs dog clothes?

Some dogs would freeze very easily without proper clothing and in the worst case even get hypothermia. However, this can be effectively prevented by appropriately adapted clothing.

Certain breeds that originally come from warmer regions, such as the Dalmatian from Croatia, cool down faster and therefore need support in cooler regions. The Dalmatian has no undercoat, which is why it freezes quickly in cold temperatures – a dog jacket offers him sufficient protection. The same applies to especially small dogs, such as the tiny Chihuahua, which due to its small body size cause much faster cold and wetness.

When does the dog need clothes?

Especially during the cold seasons, i.e. in autumn and winter, it is necessary to provide his dog with additional cold protection. Wetness and cold are a dangerous combination – even for your four-legged friend. But also regardless of the season you have to pay attention to your favorite: If the dog freezes, you should definitely get suitable dog clothes for him.


Dog clothes are not the same as dog clothes. These 10 aspects should definitely meet a good dog clothes, so that it is comfortable for the dog to wear and it does not bother him.

Freedom Of Movement

The dog must be able to move completely freely despite clothing. A close-fitting fit with a generous leg neckline makes the dog romp unrestricted.

Individual Closure Option

No dog is exactly the same size. It is therefore important that the clothing is not gradually closed, as in the case of buttons. For example, a Velcro fastener offers the possibility to individually adapt the clothing to the body shape.

High-quality Material

The nature of the clothing is of great importance. The fabric must be breathable, but also wind and water resistant, so that the dog is fully protected.

Easy Dressing and Undressing

Putting on the clothes must not be associated with stress for the four-legged friend. The garment should therefore be as easy and quick to put on and off as possible in order to avoid unnecessary strain on the dog. Be sure to take this point into account in older and physically impaired dogs.

Exclude Interference Factors

The dog must feel comfortable in his coat – so they should opt for fabrics that do not rustle, so as not to irritate your four-legged friend. Your darling gets along better with the garment.

Slow Habituation

In order for your dog to actually accept its unnatural equipment, which it perceives as a foreign body, you need to give it some time. It is best to try the clothes at home in peace with him and give him a while to get used to it. Only then can the clothes be used outside.

Get Your Dog in the Picture Nicely

Why is it that you see so many beautiful dog photos on social media while you never seem to succeed in portraying your four-legged friend in a somewhat presentable way? The images are often blurry because your dog is moving or just looks weird. No worries! With our tips, you will soon be able to enjoy Instagram-worthy photos of your loyal friend online.


1. Get used to, get used to, get used
The click of the camera and the bright flash, it only makes your dog nervous. So let him get used to the sound first. Take pictures with him nearby, but not of him yet. Make sure he gets to know the camera and can assess the situation before starting the actual “photo shoot”.

2. The right setting
Natural light is always the best light. Especially for portraits, both with people and animals. It is also much more fun to see your dog in a natural setting. Go outside, to the garden or a park, where the dog will immediately feel good. Make sure you have an inconspicuous, calm background so that your four-legged friend is the center of attention in the photo.

3. At his level
Perspective is very important in photography. Your dog’s muzzle can look strange if you use the wrong perspective. If you want your dog to be in the picture, then you sit at his level. That way you don’t come across too threatening to your four-legged friend. Be careful with bigger dogs: you don’t want them to feel superior and start attacking you if you make yourself small.

4. Take lots of photos
Take an example of the influencers you see on Instagram. Do you think they have the perfect photo on the first shot? Of course not. A lot of photos are needed for the perfect shot. So let yourself go and take a whole series of photos.

5. Mode of your camera
how much you want it, your dog will not sit still for 5 minutes until you get the right picture. And you don’t have to! The best photos are those of your dog in motion. This makes him look happier. As nice as those photos are, they are more difficult to get sharp. If you work with an analog device, it is best to choose a fast shutter speed. A digital device or your smartphone usually has a ‘sport’ or ‘action’ mode or ‘continuous shooting’ that helps you with photos with a moving model.

Watch the Video How  To Take Creative PET Photography at HOME!

6. Get your dog moving.
Let your dog take a walk. You don’t have to wear it down, just make sure it is active. After walking his tongue hangs out of his mouth and looks like he is smiling. That gives very nice pictures!

7. Distraction with a selfie ball
Is your dog very impatient or not in the mood for a photo shoot? Then distract him with his favorite toys. Hold a toy up to the camera so that it is looking straight into or just over the camera. This gives you beautiful frontal photos. A nice new tool for this is the selfie ball. You click it on your smartphone and voilà, ready for a nice selfie with your loyal friend.

Also, make sure to bring treats or small snacks to reward your dog for his patience during the shoot. Or to make him look eagerly at the camera.

Have you ever taken a good shot of your dog using the tips? You can also scan it and print it using the ‘automatic photo scanner with feeder’ because here you can make your dog’s photo as home display.

What Do I Pay Attention to When Choosing a Puppy?

Have you thought about it carefully and decided to get a puppy? Then it is important that you pay attention to a number of things! In this blog, we will discuss a number of topics that you should consider carefully when buying a puppy.

Choice of the type of breed

First of all, it is important that you think about what type of dog is right for you. Not every dog ​​is suitable to be with someone in the house. Points to keep in mind are:

  • Character : It is important to choose a character that suits your family situation. A certain breed may need a lot of exercise, but it is important that you can also give this to the dog.
  • Reason : The reason for getting a puppy is also important. Do you want him as a companion animal, as a guard dog, do you want to run or hunt with him?
  • Size : It is also important, whether the puppy and certainly the growing dog will fit in your house.
  • Care :  Your puppy and later also your dog must be taken care of on a daily basis. Feeding should be done at regular times and your puppy should be taken out several times a day. Brushing the coat, brushing  teeth and clipping nails are also things that have to be done several times
  • Costs : It is important that you check whether you have enough budget to buy a puppy. Costs include for dog accessories, courses, vet costs and any kennel costs.

Choose nest

You can often find a list of planned and just born litters through breed clubs. The puppy is more likely to be healthy if neither parent has any disease. It is important that the breeder does not have litters too often, that it is no longer healthy for the mother dog. Find a breeder that you feel comfortable with and take a good look at what type of breeder you are dealing with.

Watch the Video How You Can Choose the Best Breed of Dog.

Questionnaire for Breeder

You usually have the first contact with the breeder by telephone or email. It can be useful to make a list of all the questions you have.

Topics you can ask about are:

  • Health of the puppy’s parents and relatives?
  • How are the puppies growing up now?
  • What does the breeder expect from you?

Choose a puppy from the litter

With some breeds a puppy test is taken when the puppy is about 7 weeks old. The purpose of this test is to map the basic character of the puppies in social and work areas. Does the puppy socialize with his brothers and sister or does he prefer to lie separately? Does he participate in games, has he started the game or is he not really participating?

Observe how the puppy reacts as you approach. A puppy who makes contact quickly will be less monstrous than a puppy who keeps more distance. A healthy, social and people-friendly dog will come to greet you and will also be curious. You can also ask if the puppy can go out of the run to see if he responds. If you think that he comes across as very insecure, while the breeder says otherwise, it cannot be wrong to look again at a later time to see what the character really is like.

The most important thing is that you have a good feeling with the breeder and of course with the puppy its like ‘ check out the best bras for older women’ in choosing a bra you should be comfortable in using it not just buying or getting it because you want it you should always pay attention on the brand like buying dogs you should choose wisely and think if you can surely  take care of the dog. When in doubt, you better not do it!


Keeping your Dogs Healthy

Incorporating new activities to keep your dog healthy is difficult, isn’t it? However, there is actually an easy way to get the amount of exercise your dog needs for a healthy lifestyle, regardless of the weather, even if you are busy with work. In this blog, we’ll show you how to promote your dog’s health and stay active and happy all year round.

Take your dog for a walk

Not surprisingly, walking is an important activity to keep your dog healthy and affluent. You can go out and smell new things, see new things, and hear new sounds. As an owner, take a relaxing walk with your dog and enjoy the scenery outside.

Let’s play with your dog!

Playing with your dog is a simple way for them to exercise well and communicate with their owners. Finding your favorite toys and games will help keep your dog healthy and active. Also, if the weather isn’t suitable for going out, we recommend tug-of-war, which consumes the dog’s energy, and play with a wooden stick. The game of hiding snacks can be fun and easy, both indoors and outdoors.

By deciding the day to play with your dog at the same time and day of the week each time, your dog can build sociality with other dogs and run with other dogs for higher quality exercise. Will be! If your dog often plays with other dogs, it’s a good idea to go to the dog’s house or take him to a nearby dog ​​park for plenty of fun.

Record your dog’s weight!

Keeping track of your weight is important to keep your dog healthy. Do you feel the ribs properly when your dog is standing? Is there a dent in the butt? If your dog feels a little fat, it’s time to start adjusting your weight.
If you’re struggling to gain weight in your dog, try a little less fat and a low-fat dog food. By reducing the number of calories you feed and having fun exercising to burn calories, your dog’s health will be more reliable.

Try different activities

Going for a walk with your dog is a standard exercise, but trying out new activities such as swimming and hiking is also a good way to get more active. Summer swimming is a great activity as you can cool down while enjoying the water in the hot weather. Be careful and play safely around the water. Also, hiking in shaded areas is ideal for spring, summer and autumn. While feeling the nature, both you and your dog can do aerobic exercise moderately and deepen the bond.

You can also make your time outside even more enjoyable by setting up an obstacle course in your yard and playing. It seems that there are many people who buy online or DIY at home to make a course. If you make one a month, your dog can use energy to acquire new skills. You’ll be amazed at how fast your dog grows as he enjoys trying new things and mastering everything right away.

