Air Purifiers and Their Effect on Pets

There are many microbial substances in your home that may affect you adversely, especially if you’re someone susceptible to respiratory problems.

Pet Dog


A number of them are seasonal like pollen and a few of them you’ll be able to avoid by keeping a clean like molds. However, some pose a novel problem for pet owners. Pets shedding particles which may cause problems for people after they get inhaled, especially for those that happen to be allergic to housepets, particularly dogs and cats.

Contrary to popular belief, the dander from skin cells that are being constantly shed, not the hair of the animals, causing the aversions.

Why Is It a Problem?

People who are allergic to a specific animal tend to avoid getting that animal as a pet. However, you’ve got to contemplate that others will visit your home. Since an estimated 10% of the world’s population has some form of animal allergy, there’s an honest chance that folks who will suffer hypersensitivity will acquire contact with the dander from your pet.

Animals further increase the probabilities of an allergy as they tend to roam outside and they also bring other allergens like dust or pollen into the house, Besides their dander. Whether or not these particles haven’t any effect on you after you inhale them, they still can affect your health if you’re exposed to them over an extended period of your time.


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How to Handle It

The presence of an internal air purifier solves the problem posed by having pets inside. This device can suck up all of the particles which will have harmful health effects like pet dander, pollen, and dirt and increase the air quality in your home.

Studies have revealed time and time again that having an air purifier within the house will allow you to inspire fresh air without having to fret about the possible irritants and harmful substances that rather be found in a very normal home, with or without a pet.

An indoor air purifier works in an exceeding house with animals on two levels. Firstly, it eliminates harmful substances like dander that may affect certain people and trigger sensitivity. Secondly, it deals with unpleasant odors that are to be expected at home with pets.

What It Does to Your Pet

The nice news about air purifiers is that they’re completely safe to use around animals. Not only that, but they stand to enhance their health, as well. Animals cannot inhale harmful airborne particles that may come from chemicals that are regularly found around the household (not just from allergens), similar to humans. So if you are from Korea, do your pet a favor and check out the best air purifiers you can get as reviewed on.

