5 Practical Apps for Dog Owners


Whether it’s training, searching for a dog-friendly location, or an emergency, the right app means real value added to your dog owner. Here is five valuable applications for Android and iOS – download free apps jailbreak.

Like dogs, smartphones are our daily companions. Equipped with the right app, this device can make everyday life with dogs easier for men, while providing interesting training tips and new hiring ideas. 5 useful dog owner apps you should know:


1. Towing: Location app with GPS transmitter

One of the scariest situations: The dog suddenly disappeared. Runaway, run away, stolen? Sometimes everything happens very fast. The “Tractive” app is the perfect tool for such cases. Combined with a waterproof tow GPS receiver attached to your dog’s collar, you can use your smartphone’s app to find animals anywhere in the world.


2. First Aid Dog: Emergency App

A four-legged friend is also in an accident while taking a walk, taking a walk with a fellow dog, or traveling. Kicking broken glass, broken ankles, or swallowing pieces of wood can quickly overwhelm many dog ​​owners. To avoid being left alone in these exceptional situations, the “First Aid Dog” app is the perfect companion.

The app is clear and easy to use and shows what to do in an emergency so that you can help the injured animal immediately. With the help of Emergency ABC, users can find symptoms and necessary remedies. Reduced, easy-to-understand graphics support the instructions. The integrated veterinary search also provides information on the nearest veterinary practice.


3. Dog Location: To the Best Dog Location in Town

Are you new in town or with a dog? The “Dog’s Places” app provides owners with information about dog-friendly locations in the area. This app displays a dog walk, dog-friendly restaurant, pet shop, or nearest veterinary clinic on an interactive map. Always just “sit down!” And “space!” It’s boring in the long run. The “hundo” app offers a variety of everyday life and offers new tricks, commands, game ideas, and recipes every day.


4. Dogs: An app to help you train your dog with games and recipes

Always just “sit down!” And “space!” It’s boring in the long run. The “hundo” app offers a variety of everyday life, offering new tricks, commands, game ideas, and recipes every day. You can create a separate profile for each pet in your app. This profile stores age, gender, breed, as well as individual character characteristics, fears, and preferences. From this information, the app will automatically search for the right task and learning tips.


5. TASSO app: Search and find animals

According to the company’s information, about 10 million animals are registered in Europe’s largest free pet register “Tasso”. In addition to the hotline and website, the association offers a free “TippTapp” app. This app helps pet owners find runaway animals. The current TASSO search message is displayed for specific locations and areas, providing an overview of nearby animals reported to TASSO as missing.
